
dies & das

Hey guys ! As refering to ma last post I wanted to Show you my Apartment. I canceled this now as I found out that my Apartment is too small to even take proper Pictures loooooool. I can Show you just this pic I shot in thge morining, still lying in bed.
I have only one window, but it's really hughe so it's beautiful bright when I get up. I do not wake up from brightness so I don't bother if it get's bright in the morning.
That's the view. I have this huuuuughe tree in front of my window. In autumn you could see ist wonderful colored leaves when lying in bed. I love my tree lol. Unfortunately we have winter now and it looks naked ...
and last but not least ! Here are my ducks. Always having quak-parties here (^ ^) so cute ! As mentioned, I'm studying history and japanese studies and I'm really loving it. Found some new friends here of course, too.
Sharon and I on the first day we met, lol instant rabu rabu
And this Charly, my almost roommate. We're living in the same dorm so we're always hanging around ( at the Moment not so much, because I'm having an exam this month ... (; ;)). I call him "Brezelchen" Those two guys are really fun to be with. Ok, that's all for now. Ruha is coming over in 2 hours and we're gonna hit the road to Neuss to get Pierced. Nothing exiting though, I'm gonna get a Helix. Have a nice day !


2013 0901

A new Year is the best time to start a new blog, isn't it ? I didn't use this blog for a really long time, so I decited to post again on blogspot, instead of starting a new blog ( also lazy studen, dont wanna spent time on stuff like that) But since I decited to spend some more time for outfits and the looks and stuff I wanted to be more active in here (also found some great Blogs to follow) so here I am, no pictures on this post. I'm too lazy atm ( It's late already and I have lectures tomorrow). I'll keep my ameba blog as a mobile blog and friends only Posts. here's the ameba blog URL: http://ameblo.jp/fine-dandy weeeeeeeeeeell I want to introduce myself. Name's crimson, I'm 20 years old and I am studying history & japanese studies at the Heinrich Heine University in Germany. I moved 3 months ago, so I'm a freshman at University lol. I cosplay (mostly the GazettE) and I'm interested in japanese street fashion, music and lifestyle. I think I'll Show you some Pictures of where I live in my next post. have a good night !